Saturday, February 10, 2007

What's Your Choice?

Tell me! Tell me!
Inquiring minds want to know!

Inquiring minds want to know --
1. What Bible is your preference?
a. Do you care whether it is a red-letter or not?
b. Study Bible with notes or do you prefer a Bible with no notes?
c. Hard-cover, leather, metal?
d. Wide-margin?
e. Versions?
f. Do you carry the same Bible to Church as you use to study with?

2. What is your Bible marking method?

3. What Concordance do you like?

4. Do you use Bible Study software and if so, what?

5. Do you use a Palm or other device to transport Study helps & notes?
a. Do you then carry this along to Church or other places?
b. What program works best for your needs?
c. What device do you currently use?

6. Do you study alone or with a friend or friends or both?

7. How much time do you spend a week in Bible Study?

8. What are you currently studying?

9. What is your favorite Bible Study help?

10. Do you have more than one Commentary set?

11. What online study aid do you use?

12. Are you an Inductive Study method person?

13. What method works best for you?

14. Do you refer to Hebrew/Greek in any form to help you
clarify what you are studying?

15. Do you have a file system of past studies, notes, etc.

16. Do you have a special place where you study?

I am curious how others study, what you use, what you do not like, etc.
I will post mine later.

Thanks for sharing ... perhaps someone will be inspired by you and your methods. Perhaps someone is in a dry-time and this will stir them up again. Perhaps someone does not know where to start ... or they are looking for help on materials ... I look forward to hear from you.


  1. Getting ready to leave for church now, but I will answer this on my blog later today when I have a few minutes. Might not be until tomorrow.

    I'll be looking forward to reading everyone's responses.

  2. Got 'em done!

    I invited my readers to come over and let you know when they post theirs.

  3. Here's mine. Interesting list of questions.

  4. Great ladies! We can all encourage others in the how's and what's of our study methods and tools!

  5. I went ahead and posted the survey on my blog that you can check out here Ther e and Back Again - Pilgrims Journey

    In His grace,


  6. I prefer black letter editions. I find it the orangey red of most red letter Bibles to be tedious and irritating. Visually, it is also very distracting. You start to ignore the context of what he's saying

    I own various Bibles, including study Bibles. Even when I am "studying" I prefer to simply have good references, I don't even like those little titles---Sermon on the Mt, Jesus Changes Water to Wine, the flow of the book gets interupted. I own an Open Bible, which is excellent for finding passages and more narrowly focused study.

    I'm still out on the wide margin. I like the idea, but I'm torn between wanting to simply have one Bible that I use, and not becoming stuck in a rut by reading my own notes.

    Hardcover is good if you intend to mark up the text. Most leather, even genuine leather, has such a fakey-bakey feel that you can't get a decent grip on it. You know your parents had it better when you get your hands on a vintage Bible that has a real feel to it.

    Don't even get me started on versions, my head is still spinning.

    Marking method? Method? Ha, ha. I'm kidding. Sometimes I will mark words in a series, or a phrase. The fear of the Lord, in a Psalm, may be mentioned several times, so it will be marked 1, 2, 3. When I feel that an underline will help me to recall the gist of a passage, I do.

    My Open Bible has a cyclopedic index, which is somewhat of a concordance. There's a Crudens around here somewhere, but most of the time, I'm left wondering where that verse really was.

    No electronics, except perhaps biblegateway.

    I study alone, for the vast majority of the time. Time spent? I study the Bible, but only recently have I forced myself to settle down on one book to systematically study it.

    Commentarys are nice, but they spoil the whole thing if you read them before you read the Bible.

    If by inductive method, you mean Kay Arthur's method, no. I could not abide colored pencil markings all over my Bible, and little scribbles. It simply wouldn't work for me.

    As for Hebrew and Greek, I'd rather learn them than try to muddle through the intracies of lnaguages of which I am totally ignorant.

    My study notes are primarily in Moleskine notebooks that I use for many things. It is good to have them.

    I study in my bed, simply because there is no where else where I can spread all of my 'junk.'

    Interesting questions. Thanks.

  7. Thank you guys for popping in to my blog and adding your comments! It is so interesting to read what folks desire from their materials, what they desire in a Bible, and the 'utensils' they use. I am surprised more don't say their bed. Sometimes that is the only place to get away and I agree about it being the biggest space! Opinion-minion, you mentioned Moleskines ... I just learned of these notebooks within the last few months and we finally have a Barnes & Noble here that carries them. I also purchased the ESV Journaling Bible that is just like a Moleskine. And yes, you are right without saying so specifically (you mention 'primarily Moleskine notebooks that you use for many things' -- moleskins are addictive! Again, THANKS guys for posting! For those of you not familiar with Moleskines here is a link --


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