Monday, January 8, 2007

Married Life

I am currently reading the book, "Susannah Spurgeon, free grace and undying love." It is a book of devotions by her and also about her life, published by Banner of Truth Trust.

On this day, Monday, Jan. 8th, Susannah Thompson married Charles Haddon Spurgeon at the New Park Street Chapel in the year of our Lord, 1856. From my reading I understand this must have been a wedding of huge proportion for the day, as far as crowds are concerned. (The reading of this wedding reminds me of watching Prince Charles and Dianna's wedding on TV.) Special police were summoned to prevent accidents. The building they said was filled to capacity, those who had tickets to be at the wedding could not even get in the door, some headed back home, while others lined the streets. That's big for that time and era.

Spurgeon has to leave the wife and home to do the work of the Lord. A conversation ensued between them as to his coming and going, "The constant absence from home of Charles Haddon Spurgeon in fulfilment of his preaching engagements were sources of sore trial to the young wife. ... Once and once only she broke down, where her dear one was about to leave in the early morning for a distant mission, and the tears could not be kept back. 'Wifey,' said her husband, 'do you think that when any of the children of Israel brought a lamb to the Lord's altar as an offering to Him they stood and wept over it when they had seen it laid there?' and when she replied in the negative he added, tenderly, 'Well, don't you see, you are giving me to God in letting me go to preach the gospel to poor sinners, and do you think He likes to see you cry over your sacrifice?" When they were getting ready to be apart he would say to her, "What! crying over your lamb, wifey?" She says, "could ever a rebuke have been more sweetly and graciously given?"

(You can read all this here at this link --

As my eyes fell upon those last few words, it caused me to examine my responses to those in my home -- my husband and my two sons. "More sweetly," and "graciously given," I admit my responses have not been sweet nor gracious as of late. While putting away the Christmas stuff my husband has decided to put a floor down in a section of our attic which had none. All the stuff from that side of the attic that sat upon boards, is now in my living room and kitchen. I appreciate the fact he is doing it ... honestly, but now I am enduring the verbage, "Why are you saving this stuff?" and then there comes, THE LOOK!, gee whiz! The burning barrel has been hot as of late, the neighbors are probably wondering where all this cardboard is coming from, but my sons and I are having a blast looking thru old artwork, school papers, cards, toys and such.

My husband has also found my stash of books, but they are not going to the burning barrel, maybe to the book bin at the Goodwill Store ... maybe ... ;-)

Then the Lord brings to mind a verse I had taught on in October to a group of women from my church at a retreat. Eph. 5:2 -- "And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God."

Look at the word 'fragrant' as in aroma. Therefore, I am now thinking, "What kind of aroma/fragrance have I been lately?" OUCH!

etc., etc., etc.

Have I been a single fragrance? A potpourie? An essential oil? A toilet water?
A cologne?

I have been mulling this over and over and it has not been pleasant. I have had to fall on my face, seek God's forgiveness and my families. This is a gut wrenching experience. I did not like myself for a few days, but God in His graciousness has shown me how me to be a pleasing fragrance. Ask God to reveal to you what type of fragrance you are. Then adjust whatever, wherever, however you have to, but JUST DO IT!

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