Saturday, April 28, 2007

A Good Read ...

..... “Because Bibles are scarce, child, and we’re too poor to pay the price of one. A weaver’s is an honest trade, Mary but we don’t get rich by it and we think ourselves happy if we can keep the wolf from the door and have clothes to cover us. Still, precious as the Word of God would be in our hands, more precious are its teachings and its truths in our hearts. Those who have learned the love of God, my girl, have learned the greatest truth that even the Bible can teach them; and those who are trusting the Saviour for their pardon and peace and for eternal life can wait patiently for a fuller knowledge of His Word and will.”

Over at In The Garden, Abigail is sharing with us a story about a little Welsh girl named Mary. The story is titled, "Mary Jones and Her Bible" from 1882. It's one you will want to read I am sure. This is part 1. I read this story before and it blessed my heart so I share it with you ... let's follow along with Abigail shall we?

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the link Pam. I'm heading over for a spell...


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