Thursday, October 25, 2007

Guarding the Depost ... our priceless treasure ...

"God has given us the gospel in trust. He has deposited it to our account and expects that we will guard this priceless, precious treasure. God has entrusted to us something of infinite worth and unsurpassed beauty. He has not left us to our own devices, but he has provided for us the Holy Spirit, that with his help we may be faithful in guarding the gospel of Jesus Christ. Spiritual discernment allows us to keep the gospel central and allows us to see and guard against error. Spiritual discernment is absolutely crucial to the one who would understand and heed the gospel. Nothing less than the gospel is at stake."

I would ask that whomever you are to please take the time to go to the above link and read Tim Challies excerpt from his book "The Discipline of Spiritual Discernment" It has taken my breathe away in that it challenges me to "guard the deposit of the priceless treasure, Jesus Christ, whom my Father in Heaven has chosen for me to receive. As I set here pondering how much I sometimes take for granted "the Deposit" tears well up in my eyes.

Sometimes you read posts and they touch you, sometimes they make you chuckle, sometimes they make you hungry, sometimes they make you angry and sometimes they cut you to the quick. Scripture, the Word of God, does the same thing through the working of the Holy Spirit in the lives of those who are His. This post is one such read ... read it and ponder over it and ask yourself the question "Am I guarding the Deposit?"

I would highly recommend Tim's book as a must have .... after reading this posting I can only imagine what is written within the rest of the pages from the pen and the heart of one who is a man after God's own heart.

thank you Tim ... you have cut me to the quick for my own good. Forgive me Father ...

Have a Blessed Day in the Lord!
Pam <><

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